Morocco is a fascinating country. If you have not visited it yet, you should do so. It is close to Europe, but it is Africa, or rather North Africa, which is quite different to sub-Saharan Africa. Many Europeans visit Morocco to find warmer weather in the winter; to discover another culture and yes, you guessed it, to go shopping!

There is lots to tempt you. Marrakech is a good place to start. You will definitely return with heavier luggage than when you departed. But don’t limit your visit to Marrakech, try some other cities. You will find the Moroccans most welcoming and there is lots to see in all parts of the country.

I have sections on 3 cities in Morocco:

I would like to thank the Lonely Planet Morocco guide for a lot of very good information. I recommend you take one of their guides with you for your trip to Morocco. I also recommend the Top Ten Morocco from Mondadori. Both had helped me in the several trips I did in Morocco.