After years of traveling around the world, since I was a teenager, I still love to travel. Probably I have DNA similar to Marco Polo. My father and uncle both travelled and traded. My husband travels an awful lot for work and I go with him. However, I only travel, no work, although I shop and enjoy myself. I always liked to travel comfortably. I confess I was never the type to travel light or with a backpack: too uncomfortable. I like comfort, I like Spas, I like good food and I like very good service. 

I love to shop in general: all types of shops, from those selling luxury brands to markets! I particularly love markets. You can find them almost everywhere in the world. In some countries, it is the only way to communicate with local people. They will have some notions of English, enough for selling you something. And to talk with you about the local life. 

When I arrive to a new place I think what is the best to buy? Every place you visit has something special that will be nice and have a good price. It varies from place to place and includes clothes, things for the house, precious and semiprecious stones, leather, wood, silver, etc. These are the things to buy. Whatever is local or made with local materials. In particular, I love fabrics, embroidery and all beautifully made things.  I buy pieces and make necklaces from them. I create unique tunics and dresses from the fabrics that I buy. I love original hats. I love to shop and what gives me great pleasure is bargaining. Like hunting, it is the thrill of the chase!!     

‎For years my friends have been asking me for tips: where to go, where to stay, what to see, what to buy and where? I have been writing down the information every time, for dozens of people. 

For some time I wrote stories about my trips for my friends. But in recent years I have been traveling non-stop and have not had the time to do it!  So I didn’t. Although most of my friends wanted me to. Some had conserved the stories of my trips that I had sent them in the past. My husband, like them, has been insisting that I should write about my travels since long time. Finally, I started recently. 

Through this website I want to share tips, experiences and the addresses of good shops that I have found, the excellent hotels and spas where I have stayed, the particularly good taxis that I have used and some of the guides that have made my trips particularly fascinating! Having a good guide is one of the most important things on a trip. He or she is going to make you enjoy a place one hundred percent more.  The world is enormous, there are lots of places to visit, lots of people to meet, lots of things to buy. Enjoy this experience and information with me! Travel, love, live and shop with me: travel and shop with Paula!!